
I like stories…reading stories, telling stories, listening to stories. I like to produce art that references stories. One of the first books to enthrall me, even before I had learned to read, was a wonderful picture book about ancient Greek myths. It included pictures of classical and Renaissance sculptures and paintings. The Benvenuto Cellini sculpture of Perseus holding up the severed head of the Medusa was etched into my memory. This fascination for mythology has never left me and now often provides material for my own art. I cull imagery from mythologies of diverse cultures, ancient and modern. Another theme constant in my work is the deep-rooted affinity for our Canadian forests. Having been raised in the boreal forest of Canada, I maintain a profound love for, and connection to, this awesome and mystical landscape. I have learned to transfer this affection to the wide-eyed spread of the prairies and its courageously determined stands of aspen groves. Trees. Trees. Trees… They are our hope for a future of clean, breathable air.